Friday, February 26, 2010

Prepositions of Place

Just two web-sites you could use as a grammar reference.

Locators: Time and Space
At, In, On - place

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Essay Writing

Hi everyone and sorry for the delay. Here is the file I promised you on Thursday.

The Rules of Writing Essays

Friday, February 12, 2010

Evergreen of Life

A beautiful animation on ecological issues.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine's Day: Eco issues

- What is said about the roses imported from Kenya?
- How many roses were bought last year?
- Why could the roses grown in Holland be worse than those from Kenya?

What counts in the end? What had more weight for you?

Cultural mistakes II

1. When you travel in a compartment with an Englishman, what are you expected to say?
2. And with an American?
3. Is it OK to ask about religion in the US?
4. There is a phrase in Americam English "it's sitting..." what does it denote?

Continue to find the answers to the previous quiz.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Video about palace cats

Watch the video about palace cats and try to understand what it is about

P.S.: palace cat = манул :)

CAAP: Animal therapy

- Which organization started the CAAP?
- What do you need to join the program?
- Why are dogs brought into the hospitals?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cultural Competence I

Every week I will be posting 4 statements or situations that are often confusing for the EFL students, but typical for the Anglophone world.
With each next set, I will be posting the answers to the previous one, so those of you who teach English as a foreign language (and perhaps as a second language) can make a sort of a weekly game for your classes.

1. When do you use the phrase "how do you do?" and what should you answer if someone addresses you like that?
2. In what type of situations should you use "sorry"?
3. What should be a typical reply to a compliment?
4. Why is everything offered just once in an English-speaking (especially the USA) country?